The key to staying fit and active

The key to staying fit and active is in these three words; Visualise, Improvise, Measure

Why bother? The key to staying fit and active is simple. Clinical research shows that just 150 minutes of physical activity...

Keep reaching your toes!
How you age is 25% genetic (from your Mother) and 75% about the choices you make.
Flex those muscles
What is your one rep max

Get to know your One Rep Max

What is one rep max? When you enter the world of exercise or strength training, you may hear the phrase...

Everyone needs 150 minutes of activities a week that raise our heart rate.
what is frailty?

Why we should forget what we know about "frailty"

What is frailty? Age UK defines "frailty" as a "state of health often experienced by older people." However, the term...

Keep reaching your toes!

How you age is 25% genetic (from your mother's side) and 75% about the choices you make.

Fitter life. Fuller life.
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